Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A plea for Help ..... a plea for peace

I sit hear wishing I could speak my heart with eloquent words and beautiful text, but am reminded that I am not called to make words beautiful, but to simply speak truth. And truth is what I give you: I need peace With only hours remaining before we welcome in a new year I find myself seeking Gods Peace. Seeking Peace as we so patiently wait for our home study to be completed. Seeking Peace as tomorrow becomes January 1st - when we should have been approved and ready to be "shown" to expecting families. Peace that we will meet our precious son or daughter this year and really overall seeking peace that the Lord will provide the thousands of dollars left to raise before our placement occurs. Throughout this whole adoption process I have to say that it is the daunting amount of money that leaves me feeling the most anxious, overwhelmed, and out of control. Yet, I know it is through this the Lord is teaching me most. Real Talk - Our adoption costs more than I make in a year. Woah - yep still seems as crazy as it sounds in my head to see it written on paper (or typed for that matter). But that is ok. Why? Because I know that in some way, some how, the money will be raised and the Lord will provide. How do I know this? Because the Lord specifically placed adoption on both Andy's heart and mine. Because the Lord has given us PEACE that we will meet our son or daughter through adoption. And mostly because I know 4 truths That the Lord is Great - so I don't have to be in control The Lord is Glorious - so I don't have to fear The Lord is Good - so I don't have to look elsewhere for satisfaction The Lord is Gracious - so I don't have to prove myself It has been through this Journey that the Lord has taught me what matters most. With the start of January comes the arrival of my mid-January birthday. My sweet husband has begun asking what I would like for my birthday. In all honesty, This year the only thing I want is to complete the home study and to raise the money needed. Sometimes I feel like I am repeatedly hitting my head into the wall with fundraising. But to be honest - the Lord has called us to adopt and we have committed ourselves to being obedient. Part of our obedience is being committed to raising money (along with praying, filling out forms, completing training, reading books, praying, praying, and sharing God's love for us through our adoption story) When someone asks me to tell them about our adoption the first thing that comes to mind is beautifully stretching. It has made me consider tough issues, made me get out of my comfort zone and realize I can not do it on my own. Made me ask for help. And through the help, love, and support of others I know we will be able to share how incredibly loved our son or daughter is. How people have loved this sweet baby before knowing anything about him or her. People who do not even know Andy and I have shown support and love for our sweet child. I know that we were not meant to do this alone. And in that I find peace. Peace in people opening their hearts to help us raise money. Like Amy S who has an Etsy Shop called Savinggrace28. She has generously opened up her shop to help raise money for our adoption. She is graciously donating 20% of profit for all customers who enter the coupon code Maliskas at checkout (Until January 31st!!!) https://www.etsy.com/shop/savinggrace28?section_id=11424402&page=2 Or the organization Bonfire Funds who is donating money to our adoption through the purchase of each of our adoption tee shirts sold. Our adoption shirt looks like this
and you can order one at this website Deadline January 20th https://www.bonfirefunds.com/maliskas-family-adoption/?r=25940 We chose the wording "One More Loved" as we are working to welcome a sweet, innocent baby into our family and show him or her the love of the Lord and family. One more child provided with a stable, safe, nurturing home. One more person that opens our hearts to love again. One more birth mom who is shown love in the midst of heartache. Who is shown the love of Christ in a time of darkness. Love is woven in and out of our journey. Love is what we cling to. Love is what we will teach this sweet baby - the love of Christ, the love of family, and the love of friends. How love brings people all over the world, who know nothing about one another to support this adoption, to love this child. Despite the unknown of what this year holds I ask that you consider praying for us as we wait to meet the child the Lord has created us to have. I ask that you consider purchasing an item from Savinggrace28 or a tee shirt to help spread our story, and that you would consider spreading our story. For Christ loved us and we will love others. and in times when my soul is anxious, fearful, unsure, and overwhelmed I will find peace in knowing "the Lord makes his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lifts up his countenance upon you and give you peace."- Numbers 6:25-26 John 14:27 - "Peace I leave with you: my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=3QRXF44NB5QDW

Friday, December 6, 2013

Our Profile Book .....

As I am sitting here in the quiet of my house listening to the sound of the rain/sleet falling outside I am filled with peace. We found out yesterday our home study date has been pushed back until after Christmas. Two years ago I would have been heart broken, but I am not. I have such a surprising peace. This whole journey we have been praying we would meet our son/daughter in God's perfect timing -and so we will wait with peace. We will enjoy the holidays as a family of three for hopefully the last time :) We will use this time to focus on fundraising as there is still a large amount we must raise. We will wait patiently ( or try to ) and know that the Lord is still preparing our hearts, the hearts of the birth parents, and still shaping and forming our son or daughter.

   Our Profile Book as arrived :)
 This is what the birth parents will use to choose us or to set up a meeting with us depending on how much openness they desire. Words cannot express how difficult it was to create this book. Trying to include every aspect of what you desire the birth parents to know about you in just 20 short pages. Desiring them to know you already love their child, but not wanting to turn them away from too much to read. Try portraying everything your family stands for in 20 short pages is insane. I have lost count on how many times I went back and changed out pictures or text. I finally just had to order it and be done. To stop obsessing on trying to make it perfect.  I am excited to share it with you. Excited to invite you to view our family through the eyes of a birth family. One day this little book will be given to our son or daughter to help them see what their parents looked at to choose us. To create a discussion on why they may have chosen us. This little book is so special to me. It is the first time our son or daughters birth mom (and) dad will lay eyes on us. It is through this encounter that we pray they have an overwhelming peace that the Lord has created that small child for our family. A peace for the first time that their child will be loved and cherished. We pray through this time they will experience hope in a time that may feel hopeless.
  Enjoy ....

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